diciembre 22, 2010


How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year?

I didn't travel this year at all!
Next year I would like to do a cruise to Bahamas for 3 days with Sami
Go to Yucatan, Mexico to celebrate the Mayan New Year in July
Go to New York to visit some friends, 3 days is enough
Go to Spain to visit my cousin and London to see a good friend too, that one can be 2 weeks in August
Go to Venezuela in December

Viajaste en 2010? Como y donde te gustaria viajar el ano que viene?

No viaje este ano
El proximo ano me gustaria hacer un crucero a las Bahamas por 3 dias con Sami
Ir a Yucatan, Mexico para celebrar el ano nuevo Maya en Julio
Ir a Nueva York a visitar unas amigas
Ir a Espana a ver a mi primo y a Londres a visitar a una buena amiga, ese podria ser de 2 semanas en Agosto
Ir a Venezuela en Diciembre

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